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About STEM

STEM Initiative Hong Kong


STEM: Inspiration for Infinite Possibilities Tomorrow


We at STEM Initiative Hong Kong are dedicated to inspiring our young to a great future and preparing them for tomorrow’s infinite possibilities in a fast-changing and increasingly technology-intensive world. We believe that children from a tender age should develop a lifelong, scientist-like passion to always wonder and explore, to learn by trying and experimenting, and to succeed through perseverance. We aim at fostering a challenging, interdisciplinary, experiential and multifaceted learning environment in local schools at all levels that excites, engages and enriches students through a unique, learn-by-doing curriculum of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics subjects to help prepare them for excellence in life through positive thinking, exemplary critical skills, hard work and strong ethics.

STEM 教育行動




香港 STEM 教育行動同仁,致力啟發下一代立志創造豐盛人生,並培育他們為 未來做好準備,以應對急速轉變、日益倚重科技發展的世界,把握其所帶來的無 盡機遇。我們深信應由幼兒開始激發他們的心志,培育他們具備科學家的態度 及熱誠,終身不斷地對事物抱有好奇心及探究精神,從不懈實驗嘗試中摸索學 習,並建立成功者必備的堅毅力。我們希望透過創新意念,靈活運用及結合科學 (Science)、科技(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、數學(Mathematics) 等教學課程和學術範疇,為本地各級學生建立和提供跨學科、多元、以實驗實踐 為本、活潑有趣的學習環境,激勵他們積極投入參與,從而建立正面心態、卓越思 辨能力、敬業勤奮精神,為將來美好人生奠定基礎。